The best school for my daughter?
What a difficult and sometimes confusing decision this can become! Parents who have chosen Trust Schooling for their children know that it is going to be more expensive, and expect a commensurate standard of teaching and facilities. Beyond this though, there is a need to choose a school which accords with family values and aspirations, and where their children will be happy.
The very best school? That’s largely a matter of opinion and preference. The very best for your daughter? That’s your choice, and this prospectus should help you make it.
Our Ethos
Chisipite Junior School is nestled in a peaceful spot, amongst the Msasa trees. It is a place of beauty and serenity and where our girls aspire to be the best that they can be. We are a multi-cultural, family-oriented school with a rich history, spanning many decades. We endeavour to prepare our girls for what lies ahead of them, we are innovative and forward thinking and understand that we must provide a robust education for the future. We embed all out teaching and learning in a strong system of valued and a Christian ethos. Our families and past pupils are important to us, they create an invaluable Chisi community. Past pupils often return to visit and even to work for us. Our motto Fons Vitae Caritas meaning love is the fountain of life; really epitomises our ethos at Chisipite Junior School.
Named for a spring on the original farm bought by Mr Jenkinson soon after the first world war, its first real landmark was the spacious farmhouse. Completed in 1920, it was just in time for the birth of Betty, who would become the first pupil in 1929, when, after the death of Mr Jenkinson, his wife Maisi opened a school offering tuition, fresh eggs and vegetables!
Over the ensuing ninety years and more, Chisipite has become a leading girls’ school characterised by high academic standards and a caring atmosphere. Serving the day scholar community, it is governed by a Board which consists mainly of current parents of the school. There have been only five Heads of School in its history. Chisipite is a founder member of the Conference of Heads of Independent Schools of Zimbabwe.
Staff and Curriculum
Once a girl becomes part of the school, she finds herself in a caring environment of experienced, loyal and capable staff. Class sizes are limited, and apart from the classroom teachers, the school is staffed with specialists in art, computers, Shona, sport, music and remediation. The overall pupil to staff ratio is 20:1, and this allows a variety of activities and interest to be actively pursued.
We are conscious of the necessity to allow every girl to progress academically so far as she is able. Although the syllabus is based on the national curriculum, every effort is made to broaden their horizons and interests, regardless of whether or not this will be examinable. Chisipite offers a rich cultural life, with art and music being regarded as especially important.
Our educational equipment includes the most modern interactive boards, with internet available in the classrooms. A glance at the sport facilities offered, including two pools with diving facilities and five hard courts, shows the importance given to sporting activities. It should be noted that winning a match is not regarded as more important than good coaching, good manners and enjoyment. Our representative teams regularly make a good show
Grade 1 and 2 day scholar girls are not permitted to stay on the grounds over lunch, and for them attendance at afternoon activities is not compulsory. From Grade 3 onwards the variety of activities available increases rapidly, as the list below shows. Attendance at one sport a term is compulsory from Grade 3 but most girls are heavily involved in clubs, sport and cultural activities. We currently offer;
Athletics |
Choirs – Junior & Senior |
Tennis |
Infant Singing |
Hockey - Field & Indoor |
Recorders |
Basketball |
Orchestra |
Netball |
Marimbas |
Swimming |
Beginner Violin |
Diving |
Drama |
Duathlon |
Gymnastics |
Cross Country |
Art Club |
Archery |
Garden Club |
Chess Club |
Environmental Club |
Scripture Union |
Classical Ballet (Dance School) |
Shona Club |
Modern Dance (Dance School) |
Technology Club |
There is no streaming of classes, and formal exams are only completely in place by Grade 5. Nevertheless, the teachers require every effort to be made by their pupils to attain the standard set, appropriate to their ability. There is formal homework, and an expectation of parental interest and involvement. The relationship between the school, child and parents is a strong one, and teachers may be approached with a minimum of formality, at school outside teaching hours. The Headteacher is often available to parents without appointment. Formal consultation days are held, and a twice yearly written report is provided.
Discipline and Leadership
As one would expect, a high standard of behaviour and good manners is expected. This is not unlikely as you may think during your daughter’s wilder moments, as the ethos of the school is one of caring and consideration for others. Every Grade 7 girl takes part in the smooth running of the school, as part of their leadership development training.
There is a strong feeling of what is morally correct and acceptable, and the girls are supportive of each other. Miscreants are initially dealt with through discussion and explanation. On occasion girls see the Headteacher, and rarely, parents too are asked to discuss the matter with her.
Rewards and Sanctions
We believe that positive reinforcement is the best way to encourage girls to become the best that they can be. As Chisi girls we expect them to be kind, to share and to always show good manners. Teachers are expected to model this behaviour for the girls every day. Rewards are given out often in the form of praise, stickers, and house points. Merits are awarded on a Monday in assembly and teachers ensure that all children get awarded these as some point during the year. Our girls love to help their teachers and other members of staff and being a class monitor is seen as an incentive as well. If a child shows anti-social behaviour, this will be dealt with by the class teachers, and they may be asked to have a working lunch. Should a serious incident arise, Miss Lightfoot will be informed and deal with it in a fitting manner. Incidents like this are rare. Detentions are reserved for pupils high up the school.
Detention can be issued by any member of staff. Your child will be issued with a detention slip that will be brought home and needs to be signed by a parent. Detention takes place on Fridays from 1:30pm - 2:30pm and requires compulsory attendance if issued.
Exams and Assessments
Assessments are carried out at Chisipite Junior School twice a year. Assessments have one main purpose and that is to use the results to analyse the gaps in teaching and learning. Once gaps are identified for a class and for an individual they can be addressed appropriately, and this may mean re-teaching a topic or giving individualised learning to a child. At Chisipite Junior, we want all children to make progress in accordance with their ability and class expectations. Progress is monitored daily through marking and feedback but also through verbal feedback given by the teacher. Assessments also inform the Headteacher about the quality of teaching and learning taking place in the classroom and trends are monitored in this way.
Upper school: In early July of every year the Grade 7’s write a Common Assessment Paper at the Senior school of your choice. This assessment is for the schools to gauge knowledge in Maths and English for this step up to Senior school level. At the end of Grade 7, your child will dot he external ZIMSEC exams and will be marked on their CALA (Continuous Assessment Learning Areas) projects as well. The first CALA projects are done in Grade 6, these also count towards the results. These CLALA projects are essential and the MUST be complete as these form part of the overall exam mark in Grade 7. Essentially if these CALA projects are done well, your child will have earned some marks before even beginning the exam. Grade 7’s are also expected to write internal exams and these are for our internal monitoring and assessment purposes. Grade 7 exam results come out in the year after the exams are taken.
Where to next?
Our Grade 7 leavers are well prepared for their Senior School career, and leave us for a variety of schools – sometimes beyond borders but usually in Zimbabwe. The large majority of girls aspire to Chisipite Senior, which although a separate school has obvious strong links. It should be noted that entry into most of the top Trust Senior Schools is by examination, and although our candidates have an excellent record, there is no school which offers automatic entry.
Criteria for enrolment
Entry in Grade 1 is determined by established criteria, which at present include neither testing nor interviews. Applications are accepted from birth and places for categories such as daughters and granddaughters of past pupils of the Junior School, and siblings are given preference. You are advised to apply as early as possible. Before accepting the offer, parents should satisfy themselves that their daughter is ready for school and able to cope in a formal class situation. You should also familiarise yourself with the fee structure.
Please feel free to visit the school without need for an appointment so as to see us in everyday action. An Enrolment form may be downloaded from the Policy dropdown menu.