3 November 2023 Dear Parents,
The term really is getting busy now and we have a demanding month ahead. Thank you, teachers, and parents, for everything that you are doing to keep the momentum of the term going so efficiently. We really do appreciate this. There is a lot ...
6 October 2023 Here is the next instalment of Chisi news......
4 October 2023 Dear Parents,
I hope that you are settled into the routines of school life again. There is so much happening already, and we appreciate all your support. At the beginning of every term, all Heads dread the first few days as this is the time that ...
29 September 2023 Enjoy reading this weeks news.
11 September 2023 The third term of 2023 began with our Head Girl, Mwakawashe Mafunga, reading the school reading from the Bible. This tradition brings us comfort, gives us hope and reminds us of our intentions to love one another. To be kind, to show empathy and integrity.
4 September 2023 Dear Parents,
This is a short letter to welcome you all back to school! I hope that you have had a super break from the busy routines of school life. There are no afternoon activities in the first week.
School ends at the following times for Week ...
3 August 2023 The last Newsletter of the Term. Enjoy your break!
3 August 2023 Dear Parents,
Thank-you to all of you for your amazing support this term! It does not go unnoticed how supportive you are at school events and with picking up and dropping off your children on time.
Staffing: We say a very heartfelt farewell to Mrs Lyn Mayger, ...
28 July 2023 Have a look at this weeks news!
21 July 2023 What s in stall this week?
14 July 2023 Enjoy what s been happening this past week!
3 July 2023 Dear Parents,
What a fun filled, action packed term this is! Firstly, let me thank all of you for your support with all aspects of school life especially your unwavering support at school sports fixtures.
Staffing: Miss Hough will take over from Mrs Mayger and is already ...
30 June 2023 Enjoy reading this weeks Newsletter from Ms Lightfoot.
23 June 2023 See who won Merits this week!
9 June 2023 The 2023 Fountain Fives put on a fantastic event last Sunday.
Thank you so much for the splendid organisation.
To all of you who supported us, thank you! It was loads of FUN!
7 June 2023 Dear Parents,
Can you believe that we are almost halfway through the year already? I am enjoying my first, second term very much so far. I hope that you are all settled into the routines of the term as well.
General Updates:
Miss Hough and Mrs Jennings are ...
2 June 2023 Have a great Weekend! See you at the Fun Run.
26 May 2023 Happiness is Break-time with friends, with delicious, healthy snacks!
19 May 2023 We are re-painting the walls outside the gate.
A spot check in the senior girl s bathroom was VERY pleasing! We are continuously improving through conscientious monitoring, evaluating and effort.
12 May 2023 Over the holidays, many of the classrooms were painted, and are looking clean and bright! New generation touch screen SMART Boards were fitted in 7 classrooms, the chalk boards have been
removed and replaced with white boards (we are still waiting for a few of these ...
10 May 2023 Dear Parents,
Welcome back to school, I look forward to another exciting term at ChisiJ! I hope that you have all had a wonderful break from school events and routines. Thank you for being up to date with school fees and trip payments.
1 April 2023 Dear Parents,
Wow! That was an incredibly busy term! We are ending Term 1 on a high note with several great achievements. Our girls participated in the EPSA Athletics and won 1st place in the girls schools division. Over the last few weeks, many of ...
30 March 2023 Thank you for your support. Have an amazing holiday. Miss L.
24 March 2023 Community spirit looks like this… QUIZZINGO!
Thank you to the Froggy Five and the Fountain Five.
17 March 2023 Grade 3M performed our first class assembly of the year . It was
absolutely delightful ! Though they have changed the school uniform. This assembly will always stay special in my heart as it was my first Chisi class assembly. Thank you Mrs Mayger.
10 March 2023 Happy International Women s Day! In assembly we learnt about how the roles of women have changed and we felt so lucky to be able to come to school and to choose whatever kind of job that we want.
3 March 2023 Well done to Mrs Shoko and our Marimba ensembles,
they have received an Honours and a First Grade at the
1 March 2023 Dear Parents,
Can you believe that it is March already? Firstly, I would like to thank parents for your flexibility around picking up your girls due to inclement weather. It certainly has been a great rainy season and our grounds are looking particularly lush. Thank you ...
23 February 2023 We have received instructions from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education to close all schools tomorrow Friday 24 February 2023 due to tropical storm Freddy. Please see the attached letter.
The parent teacher Target days tomorrow and Saturday as well as all sporting events have ...
16 February 2023 Thank you to everyone who baked, bought and sold goodies on Tuesday. It was a huge success. Well done to the Fountain Five!
13 February 2023 The hall looked beautiful on Tuesday evening for the new parent s cocktail party. Thank you to Mrs Wheeler for the decor, Mr Mberengwa (our chef) for the delicious eats and Mrs Ferreira and girls for the artwork. Thank you parents for attending and thank ...
6 February 2023 Another 4 SMART TVs have been installed this term.
These replace the projector and SMART white board
combinations that we had previously. The SMART
TVs do not need a projector and are completely
interactive. Replacements will continue gradually
throughout the school.
2 February 2023 Dear Parents, Wow! It s already February. Thank you all for your contribution to this year so far. It has been very a positive start to 2023. Our home/school partnership grows stronger, and our pupils are happy. I feel that home/school communication has greatly improved, thank you for learning to use Class Dojo so effectively. I would like to mention the Information Sharing Evening and say thank you to both staff and parents for their engagement in the process and for the wonderful buzz around the school that evening. I ...
30 January 2023 What a rainy wet week! Thank you all for your co-operation this week with the wet weather. At least Anderson House had their House Athletics session.
23 January 2023 Morning cross country has started; those that have taken part have enjoyed it. Well done to the parents who have run alongside their daughter s and thank you to the sports staff for being there in the early mornings.
16 January 2023 Thank you for coming to our Information Sharing Evening. There
was such a wonderfully exciting buzz around the school.
Thank you for your attendance and participation in the event
I hope that it was helpful to everyone.
6 January 2023 Dear Parents, Happy New Year! I wish all of you a happy and prosperous 2023. I am looking forward to the start of school and to seeing all of you and your children on Tuesday 10th January. Staff have an Inset Day on Monday, which ...
2 December 2022 The End of Year events have been such fun and entertaining! I would like to thank all our talented staff and pupils for all their hard work on the stage and behind the scenes. Thank-you parents for your attendance and your help with the ...