From the Headteacher

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 12

28 November 2022 Our 2023 Head Girls are announced. Congratulations to Deputy Head Girl, Wandipa Marimo and Head Girl, Mwakawashe Mafunga . They stand next to the out going Head Girls, Kaityn Reilly and Alexis Johnsen. The girls in the audience went wild! I think that our staff ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 11

21 November 2022 What an incredible week for swimming! Our A Team did us proud in the EPSA 1st Division Gala last Saturday by winning the Girls section. Support for all the schools was fantastic and our Chisi parents were outstanding supporters. Thank you all! ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 10

14 November 2022 What a week! Things are getting so busy, and it seems as though the weekends are as busy as the weeks! It s been a week of growth for me, I have grappled with some tough stuff.

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 9

7 November 2022 The best thing about this week, apart from the rain, was when the girls spontaneously erupted into a whole school conga line! I was wondering around the playground with the girls and suddenly they started rushing to join some of the Grade 7 s who had started a ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 8

31 October 2022 It has been another busy week at ChisiJ! This week has brought me closer to the inner workings of the school. It was lovely to meet the new 2023 Grade 1 parents yesterday at their Welcome Tea. I am sure that the staff changes ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 7

24 October 2022 Mr Greener did get some fumigation done...well in a manner of speaking - the field was treated for pesky crickets on the Friday of the long weekend. The installation of the solar panels has been completed and it is ready to run. We have ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 6

18 October 2022 Hooray! Exams are over These Grade 7s have a lot to overcome before the end of the year, including their internal assessments. However, they have a lot to look forward to as well. Let’s work together to keep them enlightened and engaged until the end ...

Heads Letter Term 3 October 2022

7 October 2022 Dear Parents, What a wonderful month it has been! I have enjoyed getting to know the girls, the teachers and some of you. It s been a busy start to the term, and I have really enjoyed getting stuck into ChisiJ life. This is a very ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 5

7 October 2022 This week has been very positive, not only have I finally managed to meet with all the staff, but I have also started planning for next year. I have met several wonderful people and hope to have an announcement about staffing ready for you quite soon. However, I need ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 4

3 October 2022 This week has been punctuated by daily trips to the ZIMSEC Head Offices, more specifically to a warehouse on the ZIMSEC grounds. Alongside my fellow Headteachers, I have delivered exams papers every day and will continue to do so until exams finish. I have become fond of my daily ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 3

26 September 2022 This week has been busy, I feel more relaxed, as I get a little more settled. Today marks my 1 month anniversary in Zimbabwe. It s been a steep learning curve in all areas of life! I continue to feel that ChisiJ is a safe ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 2

16 September 2022 This has been a very busy, productive week! I have met with many of the staff, including with Mrs Milner, our Sports Director, Mrs Wall, our ICT teacher and Mrs Fowlds, our Music Director. Also, I met Mr Greener, our Estate Manager, and Mrs De Bruijn, who runs ...

NEWSLETTER Term 3 Week 1

12 September 2022 It s been a wonderful week! Thank-you for making me feel so welcome. It was lovely seeing and meeting so many of you on the roadside in the mornings and at pick up time. The staff have been fabulous, we have had a few very positive strategic meetings this ...

Parent's Circular - New Heads intro letter 01.09.22

2 September 2022 Dear Parents, Hello! I have relocated successfully and am very happy to be writing to you for the first time as the Headteacher of Chisi J. I m delighted to be here at last. I am filled with gratitude, excitement and a fair amount of trepidation.

Parents FINAL Circular 29.07.22

29 July 2022 A good place to start this circular is to thank our Grade six parents, who as last year s Grade fives, were not able to run the traditional Fountain Fives Fundraiser . They have collected money between themselves and added a most welcome amount ...

Parents Circular 22.07.2022

22 July 2022 We always know that the end of term is approaching when the usual afternoon activities programme starts changing. This week has seen the final inter-school matches, except for hockey against Springvale, and we have been most impressed by some very good sport played by our ...

Parents Circular 27.04.22 Term 2

29 April 2022 Dear Parents I hope that you have all enjoyed the holiday break, and that those travelling did so successfully. Although my usual start of term circular will follow with the afternoon activities timetable next week, here are a few notes which should clarify some points.

Parent's Circular 04.03.22 - School Calendar

4 March 2022 Dear Parents Included in this circular is the calendar of events to the end of this term, which is naturally subject to change according to the progress of Covid and other exigencies. At the moment we are enjoying school life which is as close to normal ...

Clarity of Afternoon Activities and Lunches 24.02.22

25 February 2022 Dear Grades 3 - 7 Parents The new afternoon activities list closely follows our usual, pre-Covid programme. The interceding few years with widely variant teaching and limited non-academic activities leaves us in a position where it is difficult to simply pick up where we left off. ...

Parent's Circular 17.02.22

17 February 2022 Dear Parents You should have received the new afternoon activities timetable yesterday by email. Your daughter is being given a hard copy today, with a few minor changes. The programme is essentially our normal one from Term 1 2020, modified to accommodate visiting coaches. This ...

Parents Circular 10.02.22

11 February 2022 Dear Parents We recently received our ZIMSEC Grade 7 results for 2021, these having been a particularly demanding set of exams. Firstly, we were dealing with the potential effect of pupils having spent much less than their usual time in class for the last two years, ...

Parents Circular 01.02.22 - Return to school

1 February 2022 Circular letter to Parents, ECDA to Grade 7 I am sure that most of you are pretty ecstatic that schools re-open on Monday 7 February. Here is a reminder that ALL GRADES 1 - 7 children should be on grounds by 7.30am latest (teachers will be in ...

Parent's Circular 18.01.22

18 January 2022 Dear Parents Yesterday we started the academic year online, which following the extremely difficult but similar start in 2021, has been an entirely different kettle of fish. Helped by their experience and a very much more efficient internet system, the teachers are finding this to be ...

Parent's Circular 07.01.22 - Online Schooling

7 January 2022 Dear Parents Following a letter of confirmation which we have just received, I am now able to give you more detailed timings of the plans for our opening of school on-line. The teaching and administrative staff have been busy with preparations, and will continue to do ...

Parent's Circular 06.01.22

6 January 2022 Dear Parents I am sure that you and your families have enjoyed the year end break, and hope that the festivities went well. I can scarcely remember a more deserved holiday period. We were anticipating the opening of school on Monday 10 January 2022, but are ...

Headship Vacancy - Advert for Head

1 January 2022 After twenty-eight happy years at Chisipite Junior School, the incumbent Head has decided to retire during 2022. The Board of Governors is accordingly searching for an exceptional person to become the sixth Head in the school’s ninety-two-year history. Chisipite Junior is a Girls’ Day School ...

Final Year Circular 15.12.21

16 December 2021 Dear Parents In the closing of 2022 amidst a rising fourth wave of Covid-19, I am pleased that we managed to have galas for all of the grades, and some form of final assembly and Prizegiving for each as well. The Grades 7 ss ...

Parent's Circular 01.12.21 - Covid Update

2 December 2021 Dear Parents You may be aware that some schools have closed because of Covid-19. We do not plan to do so at present, because there are no grounds to cause us to request such approval from the Ministries of Education and Health - these being part ...

Parent's Circular 09.11.21 - Term Dates 2022

10 November 2021 Dear Parents 2022 Term Dates Following is the 2022 term calendar holiday dates as set by the Secretary for Education, and which ATS schools have undertaken to follow.

Parent's Circular 17.09.21

17 September 2021 Dear Parents Here are a few notes to keep things running smoothly. Portrait Photographs by Savannah Studios Savannah Studios, Gregg Robinson, usually takes Portrait Photographs during the second term but on this occasion, they will be done on Monday 27 September for all children from Grades 1 to ...

Grade 7 Parent's Continuous Assessment for 2021 ZIMSEC Exam

15 September 2021 Dear Parents Some of my previous circulars have commented on our frustrations at the curriculum and examination demands made on junior school children in general and our Grade 7 s in particular. During the time that we are trying to recover the deficit from our second ...

Parent's Circular - Opening of Summer Term 09.09.2021

9 September 2021 Dear Parents You may notice today, and tomorrow (Friday), that the Chisipite flag is flying at half-mast. This is a sign of respect for a past teacher Lynn Fuller who sadly passed away yesterday. She ran the ECD B department for some years, and ...

Parent's Circular 26.08.21 -August Return to School

27 August 2021 Dear Parents Celebratory circular letter to Parents. We are pleased that the Ministry of Primary Secondary Education has now confirmed that pupils may return to school, so this letter will clarify many points in this regard. Also, we need to remind ourselves of the safety ...

Parent's Circular 19.08.2021

20 August 2021 Dear Parents At a Board meeting this week, the Parent Liaison members expressed the various concerns of many families. Perhaps the leading one relates to anticipated term dates and consequent dates of possible holiday periods. As before I can shed little light on these, other than ...

Parent's Circular 23.07.2021

23 July 2021 Dear Parents and Staff It is not usual to send the same circular letter to both teachers and parents, but I think that it is equally relevant on this occasion. Firstly, with the forthcoming public holidays of Heroes and Defence Forces days coming up on the ...

Start of the Winter Term

7 July 2021 Following our online lessons at the start of this year, we were able to give our pupils the absolute maximum of in-class teaching time which could have been managed under those conditions. We saw a surge in children s responses and catching up, so far ...

Deferred Schools opening

24 June 2021 Dear Parents I am sure that you are by now aware that Cabinet has deferred the opening of schools by two weeks, with the possibility of this being extended according to developments with the Covid-19 third surge. In deciding our response to this development, the Chairman ...

End of Term Circular 3 June 2021

3 June 2021 Dear Parents With this term finally closing after a non-stop period of twenty-one weeks of punishing on-line teaching immediately followed by in-class education, we close for three weeks with a collective and heartfelt sigh of relief. Next term at Chisi. J. will be known as the ...

Parents Circular 29.04.21 - ECD 'A' - Grade 3

30 April 2021 Dear Parents Firstly, a reminder that we will go into winter uniforms for Grades 1-3 this Monday, 3 May 2021. The rule of not mixing uniform still applies i.e. No tracksuits with uniform dress/pinafore. If wearing sports kit, then track shoes should be worn (not slip-ons) ...

Parents Circular 29.04.21 - Grades 4 - 7

30 April 2021 Dear Parents Firstly, a reminder that we will go into winter uniforms this Monday, 3 May 2021. The rule of not mixing uniform still applies i.e. No tracksuits with uniform dress/ pinafore. If wearing sports kit, then track shoes should be worn (not slip-ons) and girls ...

Email from Headmistress of Senior School for Grade 7's

21 April 2021 Dear Grade 7 Parents and Pupils, It was great to meet your daughters last week for a brief view of the school. The Form One pupils particularly enjoyed talking about senior school life. We are aware that some girls were away and we will endeavour to ...

Parents Circular 9 April 2021

9 April 2021 Dear Parents Winter Uniforms We usually start wearing our Winter Uniforms in early May. They are warmer than our Summer kit and will be worn through the winter season. The date for the changeover will be Monday 3 May, so now is a good time ...

Common Assessment Paper 2021

31 March 2021 Dear Grade 7 Parents UPDATE to attached document (31 March) as of 10 April: With respect to the Common Assessment Paper and applications for CHISZ Senior Schools, please note the following changes of First Choice Forms. Senior Schools to contact parents with the ...

Parent's Circular - Update on Term Dates

19 March 2021 As an ATS member, this school will respect the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education s directive that our request for a deviation to the calendar was not granted and will adhere to the revised school calendar issued by the Ministry.

Publicised Statement from Ministry regarding Term Dates 2021

12 March 2021 I am sure that you are now familiar with the widely publicised statement from the Permanent Secretary yesterday, concerning the 2021 school calendar. We are obviously deeply concerned and affected by this. The ATS will continue to engage with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary ...

Intergration Schedule - Return to school

11 March 2021 Following up from my previous circulars, and undoubtedly just ahead of my next, I thought you should know how we envisage next week running. We share your frustrations at the lack of clear direction, but we are all ready to respond fairly quickly to circumstances.

Drop off & Pick up Arrangements for the return to School

10 March 2021 With no further information or response to my letter to the Ministry of Education yet, we are still having our Grade 7 s back for the full morning on Monday, 15 March, with the rest of the school supposed to return on 22 March. The ...

ECD Drop and Go Map

10 March 2021

ATS - Return to school March 2021

8 March 2021 Dear Parents. We are very conscious that with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education s issuance of the revised term calendar for 2021 parents are very concerned about how these dates will apply to us, given that we have engaged in online learning since ...