From the Headteacher

Grade 1 & 2's Return to School: Covid-19 Safety Protocols

5 March 2021 Dear Parents. I am sure you are all excited about your daughters returning to school on Monday 9 November 2020. I would like to draw your attention to a number of important protocols which we will need to follow to ensure we have thought of ...

Parents Circular 3 March 2021

4 March 2021 You are likely to have seen or been informed of the return to school dates of 15 March 2021 for exam classes (Grade 7) and 22 March 2021 for the rest of the school. We think that these may be very possible but ...

Parents Email 2 March 2021

2 March 2021 Dear Parents Although some lockdown restrictions have been relaxed and schools are preparing to have students return, we are given our instructions by the Ministry of Education. We await this notification from the Ministry, and we will inform you as soon as we are able.

Parents Circular 10 February 2021

10 February 2021 Dear Parents Here are a few notes for you, as we continue online and look forward to the short exeat. The Grade 7 ZIMSEC results have been published, and many of the candidates from last year were able to access their results online. I should comment ...

Opening Circular Term 1 2021

5 January 2021 Dear Parents We ended 2021 with our pupils and staff in a generally good state of health, and having enjoyed a successful in class outcome. I hope that you have all enjoyed your break; the Christmas season and New Year. Following these, our original planned opening ...

Closing Circular Term 3 2020

2 December 2020 Dear Parents This is the time of year when we look back on the triumphs and hopefully few failures of our school year, and try to sneak a look at what may lie ahead. This is usually partially done during the two Prizegivings, junior and ...

Circular 23 November 2020

23 November 2020 Dear Parents. End of 2020 holiday dates. Further to my circular letter last week, and with the year end rapidly approaching, I don t think that our families can be expected to wait any longer for a school calendar.

Circular 19 November 2020

20 November 2020 Dear Parents. By now we are quite used to the uncertainties and sudden changes which are caused by the vagaries of the Covd-19 pandemic, and the frustrations which result.

9 November 2020 - Return to school: Drop-off and collection times

9 November 2020 All Parents ECD A to Grade 7. We are prepared for your daughters to arrive back at school on Monday morning and are looking forward to it. Until all of the girls have relaxed in to school again, which won t ...

Circular 25 September 2020

25 September 2020 Dear Parents Here is an update of developments at Chisi Junior and a slightly hopeful anticipation of what we may expect later on. The online education has progressed successfully, with a far greater proportion of the girls now participating in all that is offered each week. ...

Grade 7's Circular 16 September 2020

16 September 2020 Dear Parents and Girls The Ministry of Education has given permission for pupils in Grade 7 to return to school on 28 September to prepare for the Zimsec exams. Our school has been granted permission for pupils to come to the school next week to be trained ...

Grade 7's Circular 10 September 2020

10 September 2020 Dear Parents Return to school for Grade 7 s. Cabinet, and subsequently the Ministry, have set the return dates for exam classes to return to school. In our case, that is Monday 28 September for Grade 7 s who will be writing the ZIMSEC exams ...

Circular 3 August 2020

3 August 2020 Dear Parents In this circular I shall discuss the Parents Survey, but first I think that the time has now arrived to clearly remind Parents of the School Protocols in the event of an actual or suspected Covid-19 case in your family. Even though your daughter is ...

Circular 29 July 2020

29 July 2020 Circular to all Parents I much look forward to sending you a letter in the near future to inform you of the outcome of our Parents Questionnaire. The staff have discussed this and other matters to guide us further as we tackle the year. For ...

Circular 29 July 2020 Grade 7's CAP Process

29 July 2020 Dear Grade 7 Parents This letter concerns the Trust Senior Schools Common Assessment Paper, which has now been cancelled. The attached letter from our CEO and also the CHISZ Chairman answer some of your questions. So far as Chisipite Junior School is concerned, here is our position.

Circular 22 July 2020

22 July 2020 Dear Parents Following the President s address last evening here are the bare bones arrangements for the resumption of lessons:

Circular 29 June 2020

29 June 2020 Dear Parents The teachers have asked that all books are brought back on Friday 3 July, when the final set of work up to Thursday is handed in, prior to a break of three weeks. There are some variances - such as with our Gd. 7 ...

Circular 30 April 2020

30 April 2020 Dear Parents. You are receiving a plethora of circular letters at the moment, but there is much going on and a lot that you want to know. All will be revealed. The staff Google Classroom courses are continuing, along with our various ...

Circular 23 April 2020

23 April 2020 Dear Parents It is pretty unusual for a circular to be sent out during the school holidays, but we all understand the circumstances which leave us with many uncertainties. None of us would relish having to make the national decisions which are the result of ...

Circular 20 March 2020

20 March 2020 Dear Parents I am quite unable to write my Parents Circular quickly enough to keep up with the changing circumstance. However, you will want to know the latest situation. We understand that all schools are to close on Tuesday 24 March. This has ...

Circular 18 March 2020

18 March 2020 This circular is a continuation and update to that of last week concerning the school’s response the Covid-19 pandemic. Judging from our attendances our pupils are in good health and we do not intend to respond precipitously to the confirmation of infections within Zimbabwe. We ...

Exeat Weekend and KidzCan

18 February 2020 Dear Parents Firstly, this is a reminder that school will close at 12:50 on Thursday, 20 February for the Youth Day public holiday on Friday and mid-term exeat. No Thursday lunches. Please don t forget to collect your daughter because there will be no afternoon activities or supervision. School will re-open Tuesday, 25 February.

Circular 17 January 2020

17 January 2020 Dear Parents Welcome back to the start of a new grade for your daughters at Chisipite. Nearly a hundred girls are here for the first time, and a special greeting to them and their parents. The big news for the school is the opening ...

Circular 13 November 2019

13 November 2019 Dear Parents I would like firstly to thank those who have responded so promptly and kindly to our request for page sponsorship of the magazine. This has supplemented both a significant sponsorship which was donated to secure this year s edition, and also the final ...

Circular 3 October 2019

3 October 2019 Dear Parents Here are a few more notes for you to help keep in touch with the school, and also the season. To start with, we are approaching the start of the rainy season - we hope - and with that will come the danger of ...

Circular 20 August 2019

20 September 2019 Dear Parents By now you have received both the school calendar and the activities list, and your active and enthusiastic daughters are keeping us busy. On Wednesday, there were well over two hundred girls for lunch. They were fed a roast with potatoes and ...

Closing Circular Term 2 2019

21 August 2019 Dear Parents The usual end of term circular is being brought forward a little, as I shall be away after Monday. The school will close as specified, at break time (10:30am) on Thursday 8 August. Please do make collection arrangements for ...

Circular 30 May 2019 UPDATED

30 May 2019 Dear Parents Here is a continuation of my last circular, with particular regard to the terms activities. There has been some excellent sport already, especially from our hockey and basketball seniors. Yesterday I watched some our little girls - hordes of them - playing ...

Circular 28 May 2019

28 May 2019 Dear Parents Following is a mainly factual circular letter. I am sure that you have noticed, and we hope admired, the three building projects which occupied us during the school holiday period. Firstly, was the ...

Closing Term Circular Term 1 2019

9 April 2019 This term has been marked by strong support from Parents as we have persevered through a few months of unexpected and demanding events. The high proportion of attendance at the early year fees meeting, the 100% support for the Board proposals, and the sense of ...

Circular 28 March 2019

29 March 2019 Dear Parents. While there are no pressing matters for me to discuss with you at the moment, there are several aspects of the school which you may find interesting, and a few things that need to be said. Our main inter house events ...

Opening Circular Term 1 2019

11 January 2019 Dear Parents The start of 2019 has brought in the usual crop of bright-eyed enthusiasts, all clearly well prepared for the new year. We have had a good initial attendance allowing a strong start, and a remarkably smooth move up a grade for each class. Apart ...

Closing Circular Term 3 2018

3 December 2018 Dear Parents The frenetic year end is gradually coming to a close, following the two Prize Givings last week. Thank you all for your support of your daughters, and I am sure that you thoroughly enjoyed the girls’ performances after the ceremonies, too. There ...

Circular 31 October 2018

31 October 2018 Thank you for your kind support of our last two collections. The colouring competition for the SPCA had 173 participants raising $865.00 plus some family donations which were in sealed envelopes. The other was the school box project for which individuals ...

Circular 14 September 2018

14 September 2018 Dear Parents 1. You should have received an email letter to all ATS school parents, from Tim Middleton who is the CEO of the Association. You may have read ...

Opening Circular Term 3 2018

6 September 2018 Dear Parents Even with the school opening a week early, you didn t see the trees at their best. The Lucky Bean, Msasa, Fernandoa and Tabebuia trees were all looking startling, and this is a lovely season (each always seems better than the last - lucky ...

Closing Circular Term 2 2018

26 July 2018 Dear Parents Yesterday morning our combined Grade 6 classes completed their personal and group projects to raise money in support of the Zambezi Society by staging an excellent assembly on the occasion of presenting the money which they have raised.

Change in dates of Term 2

18 June 2018 Dear Parents Although this revised calendar for the end of term is subject to change, we do need a bit of structure which to plan.

Opening Circular Term 2 2018

14 May 2018 Dear Parents Welcome back for our winter term. Although the days are short, the term is quite long so we shall need to pace things a little. So far you should have received the school calendar, and the afternoon activities timetable. Among the ...

Circular 9 May 2018

11 May 2018 This circular concerns the high prevalence of cervical cancer worldwide, and particularly in Zimbabwe where it is the greatest source of cancer in women. The cause is HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) which affects both men and women in various ways, but is a particular danger ...

Circular 6 February 2018

8 February 2018 The year so far is going well, with efforts being mainly taken up with getting to grips with the new grade, the new class and the new expectations. It s a great pleasure to watch the pupils respond, and although it s most noticeable ...

Opening Circular Term 1 2018

11 January 2018 Dear Parents We know that the year has started when the keen cross country runners can be heard on the school course first thing in the morning. Parents are welcome to run as well, and do. In every other way too this has been ...

Opening Circular Term 3 2017

14 September 2017 Dear Parents From being a slightly frenetic building site in cool weather to a vibrant school in the heat, seems to have taken us just a day or two. It s marvellous to have ...

Opening Circular Term 2 2017

12 May 2017 Dear Parents Cooler weather is here, along with a distinctly winter term atmosphere about the school with different sports, exams and plays, pressure to push through the syllabus, and so on. It has been a delight to have the girls back and all is going ...

Half Term Circular Term 3 2016

13 October 2016 Dear Parents I am bringing my usual pre-exeat circular letter to Parents forward a little, because I would like to inform you all about theft from a parked car during Friday lunch time.

Opening Circular Term 3 2016

16 September 2016 Dear Parents You have already received both the afternoon activities timetable, and the term calendar. If not, copies will be available from the office. If you have had time to wander around the school, you may notice the enormous amount of refurbishment ...

Newsletter from the ATS Term 2 2016

24 May 2016 SAY NO SO THEY KNOW A mother was going out for tea with a friend, accompanied by her young child. As she was keen to assure her friend that she was a good parent, she sat down with her child beforehand and reminded him how ...

Closing Circular Term 1 2016

21 March 2016 Dear Parents The brevity of this term has created its difficulties, both curriculum within the classes and in terms of accommodating first term events and functions within the school as a whole. The next two terms are particularly long, so the children s syllabus will ...

Hearing and Sight Screening Tests

22 January 2016 This year we are continuing to take advantage of the availability of screening for both hearing and sight. The reason that we intend to test hearing of the Grade 2 children - who were screened last year - is that small children s middle ears ...

First Circular Term 1 2016

13 January 2016 How very nice to see you all back, following a somewhat sunny festive period and a well-deserved break for everyone. Chisipite is opening 2016 with slightly higher enrolment figures than those with which we ended last year. A particular welcome to our new ...